Jeg har begynt å følge bloggen til komikeren Myka Fox. Hun er herlig gal, og mener man kan spøke med alt, et syn jeg deler med henne.
Her er en av hennes siste bloggposter.
When I was in middle school I was kind of fat. I mean, I wasn't as fat as those people who have to dress up like vampires so people won't notice how fat they are, but I did only have one friend. And she was anorexic. And I'm pretty sure she only hung out with me to make herself look thinner by comparison.
We ate lunch together everyday. She ate the same thing every day: 1 Diet Coke and 1 rice cake.
One day, while I was wolfing down my own lunch, she caught me staring at her as she was nibbling at her little fucking rice cake.
"What?" she asked
And I was like, "Can I have some?"
She died that year. I probably should have let her finish that rice cake.
Don't feel bad or anything, all anorexics go to heaven. There's enough room for them. It's not a space issue or anything.