Bloggeren Kyle MacDonald bestemte seg i mars 2005 for å utføre et eksperiment. Han ville starte med en rød binders og drive byttehandler for å se om han kunne ende opp med et hus. Og det lyktes han utrolig nok med etter ca et år med byttinger.
Hans år med byttinger så slik ut:
• On July 14, 2005, he went to Vancouver and traded the paperclip for a fish-shaped pen.
• He then traded the pen the same day for a hand-sculpted doorknob from Seattle, Washington, which he nicknamed “Knob-T”.
• On July 25, 2005, he traveled to Amherst, Massachusetts, with a friend to trade the Knob-T for a Coleman camp stove (with fuel).
• On September 24, 2005, he went to San Clemente, California, and traded the camp stove for a Honda generator, from a U.S. Marine.
• On November 16, 2005, he made a second (and successful) attempt (after having the generator confiscated by the New York City Fire Department) in Maspeth, Queens, to trade the generator for an “instant party”: an empty keg, an IOU for filling the keg with the beer of the holder's choice, and a neon Budweiser sign.
• On December 8, 2005, he traded the “instant party” to Quebec comedian and radio personality Michel Barrette for a Ski-doo snowmobile.
• Within a week of that, he traded the snowmobile for a two-person trip to Yahk, British Columbia, in February 2006.
• On or about January 7, 2006, the second person on the trip to Yahk traded Kyle a cube van for the privilege.
• On or about February 22, 2006, he traded the cube van for a recording contract with Metal Works in Toronto, Canada.
• On or about April 11, 2006, he traded the recording contract to Jody Gnant for a year's rent in Phoenix, Arizona.
• On or about April 26, 2006, he traded the one year's rent in Phoenix, Arizona, for one afternoon with Alice Cooper
• On or about May 26, 2006, he traded the one afternoon with Alice Cooper for a KISS motorized snow globe
• On or about June 2, 2006, he traded the KISS motorized snow globe to Corbin Bernsen for a role in the film Donna on Demand.[9]
• On or about July 5, 2006, he traded the movie role for a two-story farmhouse in Kipling, Saskatchewan.
Imponerende. Du kan se bilder, videoer og lese mer om hans eksperiment i hans blogg.
Hmmm, hadde jeg ikke en binders liggende her et sted...