Jeg blir ofte utsatt for phishing-forsøk, men har så langt aldri gått i fella. Slike angrep funker som regel bare på mennesker med en naivitet på høyde med Frp-stemmende norsk-pakistanere.
Men nylig fikk jeg en mail som var så utspekulert at jeg nesten holdt på å gå rett i baret. Denne var jammen ikke lett å gjennomskue, og det var rett før jeg sendte avgårde brukernavn og passord:
Dear e-mail user,
This message was sent automatically by Webmaster panel program which periodically checks the size of inbox, where new messages are received.The program is run weekly to ensure no one's inbox grows too large.
If your inbox becomes too large, you will be unable to receive new email. Just before this message was sent, you had 18 Megabytes (MB) or more of messages stored in your inbox on mail. To help us re-set your SPACE on our database prior to maintain our INBOX, you must reply to this e-mail and enter your Current User name ( ) and Password ( )
You will continue to receive this warning message periodically if your inbox size continues to be between 18 and 20 MB. If your inbox size grows to 20 MB, then a program on mail will move your oldest email to folder in your home directory to ensure that you will continue to be able to receive incoming email.
You will be notified by email that this has taken place. If your inbox grows to 25 MB, you will be unable to receive new email as it will be returned to the sender.
After you read a message,it is best to REPLY and SAVE it to another folder. Thank you for your cooperation.
Send your detail to the desk control panel :
Og det verste er at det funker på mange.
Det du vel likevel egentlig lurer på er hva Valdres har å gjøre med alt dette. Svaret er ingenting.
Absolutt ingenting.