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The Reality Tests

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A team of physicists in Vienna has devised experiments that may answer one of the enduring riddles of science: Do we create the world just by looking at it?

Mot slutten står følgende å lese, noe som gir meg frysninger på ryggen av ren ekstase:

Most physicists believe that quantum effects get washed out when there are a large number of particles around. The particles are in constant interaction and their environment serves to "decohere" the quantum world—eliminate superpositions—to create the classical one we observe. Quantum mechanics has within it its own demise, and the process is too rapid to ever see. Zeilinger's group, which has tested decoherence, does not believe there is a fundamental limit on the size of an object to observe superposition. Superpositions should exist even for objects we see, similar to the infamous example of Schrödinger's cat. In fact, Gröblacher now spends his nights testing larger-scale quantum mechanics in which a small mirror is humanely substituted for a cat.

Brukner and Kofler had a simple idea. They wanted to find out what would happen if they assumed that a reality similar to the one we experience is true—every large object has only one value for each measurable property that does not change. In other words, you know your couch is blue, and you don't expect to be able to alter it just by looking. This form of realism, "macrorealism," was first posited by Leggett in the 1980s.

Late last year Brukner and Kofler showed that it does not matter how many particles are around, or how large an object is, quantum mechanics always holds true. The reason we see our world as we do is because of what we use to observe it. The human body is a just barely adequate measuring device. Quantum mechanics does not always wash itself out, but to observe its effects for larger and larger objects we would need more and more accurate measurement devices. We just do not have the sensitivity to observe the quantum effects around us. In essence we do create the classical world we perceive, and as Brukner said, "There could be other classical worlds completely different from ours."

Så deilig å lese forskning som rører ved ideer og tanker jeg selv har lekt med... utrolig spennende å filosofere omkring hvordan våre sanser og eksistens på en måte skaper virkeligheten. Nei, jeg snakker ikke om The Secret-filosofi, men den faktiske erkjennelse av at vi aldri vil kunne oppfate verden slik den faktisk er, i den grad man kan snakke om noen objektiv virkelighet i det hele tatt. Kanskje, som artikkelen sier, skaper våre begrensede sanser en virkelighet som er helt annerledes enn den virkelighet andre "detektorer" opplever.

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