Slenger ut en sang fra mitt gamle band slickerball. Soleil er en av de tidlige sangene som vi øvde inn, og i etterpåklokskapens lys skulle den definitivt vært kortet ned med et vers eller to før første refreng.
Oppgave for den musikkinteresserte: Bassgangen er egentlig stjålet fra en kjent norsk hit fra tidlig nittitall (1991?). Hører du hvilken?
Tekst og melodi: Gunnar R Tjomlid
Vokal/kor/akustisk gitar: Gunnar R. Tjomlid
Elektriske gitarer: Tor Sindre Tjomlid
Bass: Marius Dalsmo
Slagverk: Svein Frode Tjomlid
do you think I don't know you?
do you think I can't see?
don't you know that every word you say
is a message straight to me?
do you think I can't feel it?
do you think it's OK?
don't you know that every time you turn
you change my time of day?
so come on, come on
do you feel like a shadow?
do you feel like a ghost?
do you have to act like someone else
when I say I love you most?
do you take me for granted?
do you think it's OK?
do you know that every time you sneeze
you give yourself away?
so come on, come on
don't you lie to me
just lie with me for a minute
don't you lie 'bout me
just lie down here for a minute
please be true to yourself
and be youself
now put up your antennas
and adjust to my vibe
now then can you sense those feelings that
divorce you from my tribe?
is it too much to ask for?
is it too much to crave?
is this anti-mood you put me in
a cool way to behave?
so come on, come on