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The 2007 International Privacy Ranking

Each year since 1997, the US-based Electronic Privacy Information Center and the UK-based Privacy International have undertaken what has now become the most comprehensive survey of global privacy ever published. The Privacy & Human Rights Report surveys developments in 70 countries, assessing the state of surveillance and privacy protection.

Se resultatene her. Norge kommer dessverre ikke veldig godt ut, men er betydelig bedre enn skrekknasjoner som USA, Russland, England og Kina. Hellas er eneste land som får klassifiseringen "Consistently upholds human rights standards".

Her er noen nøkkelpunkter for Norge:

* No specific constitutional protection, though Supreme Court early on decided that there is a general legal protection of 'personality'
* Comprehensive privacy law, though some police databases are excluded
* Mobile phones must all be registered, and retention is in place
* Data Privacy Authority is within administration wing of government but is expected to be independent
* Data protection tribunal has made a number of questionable decisions, e.g. Audiotape of telephone conversation does not fall under the law
* Whistleblowing law in 2007 lets workers remain anonymous
* Mandatory disclosure of information to Child Welfare authorities
* Police certificate is required to apply for citizenship; though other safeguards were implemented
* Court order for interception, for period of 4 weeks, with a supervisory board that oversees process, after years of abuses
* Created a database of asylum seekers with fingerprint data, which is open to the police for criminal investigations
* Government merged a number of welfare databases without implementing adequate access restrictions
* Government intends to require DNA for all convicted
* Ratified Cybercrime convention

Flere detaljer om Norge finner du her.

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