Vi lever i en verden med en hysterisk redsel for koblingen av barn og seksualitet. Her er to ferske eksempler:
1) Woman charged with possession of child pornography for taking photos of herself breastfeeding!
Jacqueline Mercado, a 33-year-old Peruvian immigrant, took a few photos of her young children at bath time. A week later, Richardson police were rummaging through her house for kiddie porn, and a state child welfare worker came to take her kids away.
The photographs they took over several days in late October included pictures of Fernandez reunited with the family at their modest home in suburban Richardson. Others captured their 1-year-old son Rodrigo, and 4-year-old Pablizio, from Mercado's earlier marriage, playing in a neighborhood park. Using the camera's timer, they also took three snapshots of themselves, naked in their bed. They arranged their bodies in ways that showed less flesh than most freeway billboards.
A half-dozen others recorded the kids at bath time. Fernandez took several photos of the boys "playing around," naked and innocent, with the oldest flashing a big smile. Mercado, who says she often bathed with the kids, is in several of the shots unclothed from the waist up, holding her arm modestly across her bare chest.
In one--the photo that would threaten to send Mercado and her boyfriend to prison--the infant Rodrigo is suckling her left breast.
2) Mister lærer-lisens etter popup-uhell
I fjor sommer skrev ITavisen om vikarlærerer Julie Amero, som i 2004 ved et uhell kom til å vise porno-bilder for klassen sin.
Nå mister læreren retten til å undervise, selv om retten har konkludert med at det ikke var hennes feil at pornobildene dukket opp på skolens PC.