Den mest profilerte kritikeren av TFT, Monica Pignotti, går i sin blogg hardt ut mot kona til Roger Callahan, grunnleggeren av TFT. Pignotti er selv tidligere TFT-utøver og samarbeidet tett med Callahan på slutten av nittitallet, men brøt samarbeidet etter at hun gradvis innså at TFT ikke hadde noen effekt utover placebo.
I den ferske bloggposten angriper hun Joanne Callahan for å ha påstått at flere gode studier den siste tiden har bekreftet effekten av TFT. Pignotti skriver:
I have heard through the grapevine that TFT proponents have conducted studies they funded in Africa that are not published in any peer reviewed journals, to date. However, all they did was use a wait-list control group - a group that delayed receiving TFT treatment for a few weeks. This does nothing at all to control for expectancy and placebo effect. Due to all the hype that preceeds their arrival (as you can hear in Joanne's interview), the TFT team that comes in is seen by the community as major experts. Someone who is horribly traumatized and not getting any help would be grateful for any kind of caring person coming in and trying to help them. The atmosphere of hope this engendered in the community and the way this could have brought the community together could well explain any positive results. This kind of study hardly meets the APA criteria for an empirically supported therapy. To meet those criteria, the studies have to be examined for methodological soundness by the APA committee and to date, TFT studies have been sorely lacking.
Jeg har tidligere selv skrevet om hvordan organisasjonen ATFT, med full støtte fra TFT Norway, driver en kynisk utnyttelse av verdens fattige og syke. Og Pignotti er heller ikke spesielt glad i dem:
ATFT got "nonprofit" status, but Callahan Techniques is far from "nonprofit" -- charging $120,000 for VT and $5000 for a new lower-level VT program. They've found a better PR gimmick now, though. They're working for the sake of "the children". Who wouldn't be moved by the plight of these children? I certainly am. However, what makes it even sadder is that they're being used and subjected to this fringe therapy, so Joanne, who is a woman who has become very wealthy through her husband's earnings and her own marketing techniques, can go on the radio and trumpet how much of a humanitarian she and the other TFT proponents are. I believe that some of these people do genuinely believe in what they're doing but they are very misled and misinformed.
Callahan, ATFT og TFT Norway driver en grotesk virksomhet som garantert har koster mange afrikanske liv. Å tilby TFT som kur for dødelig malaria til folk som ikke har noe annet håp å klamre seg til, er bare ekkelt og kynisk.