Bloggpost · · 1 min lesetid

Og forresten...

Og forresten...

I anledning syriske flyktninger, Frp og Petter Stordalen, alle temaer jeg har blogget om de siste ukene, har jeg nylig fått tilsendt to gode tips som er svært relevante og som jeg fikk lyst til å dele med dere.

Til Frp og innvandringsmotstandere

Det første vil jeg tilegne Carl I. Hagen, Per Sandberg og Christian Tybring-Gjedde, såvel som de mer rabiate innvandringsmotstandere:

11986933 10207578202279313 4703681649301594824 n

Opphav ukjent.

Til Stordalen-kritikerne

Det andre er et dikt som jeg tilegner alle de som kritiserte Petter Stordalen for sitt tilbud om gratis hotellrom til flyktninger:

"So Shines a Good Deed in a Naughty World"

THERE was a man in our town, and he
was wondrous rich;
He gave away his millions to the colleges
and sich;
And people cried: "The hypocrite! He ought
to understand
The ones who really need him are the children
of this land."

When Andrew Croesus built a home for children
who were sick,
The people said they rather thought he did it
as a trick,
And writers said: "He thinks about the drooping
girls and boys,
But what about conditions with the men whom
he employs?"

There was a man in our town who said that he
would share
His profits with his laborers, for that was
only fair,
And people said: "Oh, isn't he the shrewd and
foxy gent?
It cost him next to nothing for that free

There was a man in our town who had the perfect
plan To do away with poverty and other ills of man,
But he feared the public jeering, and the folks
who would defame him,
So he never told the plan he had, and I can hardly
blame him.

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